Cardiovascular Panel NMR Lipoprofile (VAP)

The NMR LipoProfile® test is an FDA-cleared blood test that directly measures the amount of LDL circulating in the body. “LDL” is low-density lipoprotein and has long been recognized as a major causal factor in the development of heart disease. Although the relationship of increased LDL particle number and plaque buildup in the artery wall has been known since the 1950s, a diagnostic test did not exist to measure LDL particle number (LDL-P). Historically, LDL cholesterol, or LDL-C, has been used to estimate LDL levels to assess a patient’s LDL-related cardiovascular risk and judge an individual’s response to LDL-lowering therapy. Today, a more reliable measure of LDL exists that directly counts the number of LDL particles a patient has using NMR technology.

  • NMR LipoProfile (VAP)  —  $119.00

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