The following blood panels panels listed below were developed by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo to support our Energy Recharge Coaching community testing needs. Along with customized test panels, select specialty test kits were curated for your needs as well. Please take a moment to review the following details on each test, and select any tests below to completed. The testing process is 100% supported for you! For bloodwork, when you complete an order, you will receive a list of local labs close to your home, instructions on how to prepare for testing and make an appointment at a local lab, and a requisition to present at the local facility. Its a walk in / walk out blood draw with no additional fees due on-site. Simply present your paperwork, have your blood draw, walk out, and receive your results. For any of the specialty test kits, you will receive a test kit to your home with personalized instructions on how to complete testing and a direct line for any support. If you have any questions about particular tests, the ordering process, or support of any kind, please reach out to our specialty lab team at DHA Laboratory! Representatives are available at your convenience by email ( or telephone (847)222-9546 Ext. 9004.
Energy Recharge Coaching Gold Level: Essential & Metabolic Fatty Acids Bloodspot, DUTCH Plus
Energy Recharge Coaching Gold Plus Level: DUTCH Plus, GI Effects Comprehensive Profile (3-Day) w/ Helicobacter pylori EIA, Metabolomix+ with the Comprehensive Urine Elements Profile and Essential & Metabolic Fatty Acids add-ons
Energy Accelerator Package: Essential & Metabolic Fatty Acids Bloodspot, DUTCH Complete
Energy Transformation Package: Metabolomix+ with the Comprehensive Urine Elements Profile and Essential & Metabolic Fatty Acids add-ons, GI Effects Comprehensive Profile, DUTCH Complete
Reinvent Bone Health Panel: Calcium(Ionized), PTH Intact (Parathyroid Hormone), Alk Phosphatase (Bone Specific), Deoxypyridinoline (Serial), Osteocalcin (Serum), C-Telopeptide (Serum), Propeptide Type I Collagen
Reinvent Blood Sugar Panel: Glucose, Fructosamine, Hemoglobin A1c W/ eAG, Insulin (fasting), C-Peptide
Reinvent Inflammation Panel: Uric Acid, GGT, Sedimentation Rate (Westergren), C-Reactive Protein (highly sensitive), Homocysteine, OmegaCheck
Reinvent Lipids Panel: Apolipoprotein A-1, Apolipoprotein B, Lipoprotein(a), Lp-PLA2 Activity, NMR LipoProf+Graph, Oxidized LDL
Reinvent Thyroid Panel Complete: T4 (Free & Total), T3 (Free & Reverse), TSH, Thyroid Antibodies
Reinvent Thyroid Panel w/o Reverse T3: T4 (Free & Total), T3 (Free), TSH, Thyroid Antibodies
Reinvent Oral-Cardio Panel: C-Reactive Protein (highly sensitive), Lp-PLA2 Activity, Coenzyme Q10, Myeloperoxidase, Galectin-3 (includes BNP)
GI Effects Comprehensive Profile With H-Pylori: Comprehensive Profile (3 Day Collection) w/ H-Pylori Add-On
Metabolomix+: Genova Metabolomix+
Metabolomix+ With Fatty Acids & Urine Element Profile: Metabolomix+ with the Comprehensive Urine Elements Profile and Essential & Metabolic Fatty Acids add-ons
Essential & Metabolic Fatty Acids: Dried Blood Spot for Essential & Metabolic Fatty Acids Bloodspot
Adrenocortex Stress Profile: Saliva based Adrenocortex Stress Profile
Cyrex Array 2: Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen
Cyrex Array 3X: Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity
DUTCH Cycle Mapping: DUTCH Cycle Mapping (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones)
Cellular Micronutrients: Vibrant Wellness Micronutrients – Intercellular Micronutrient Panel
Zoomer Bundle: Wheat, Dairy, Gut, or Neural Zoomer Plus (You pick 3)
Food and Allergy Explorer Combo: Diagnostic Solutions IgG Food Explorer and IgE Allergy Explorer Combined
Urinary Amino Acids: Urinary Amino Acids Profile by Doctor’s Data
Urine Halides: Urinary Halides; Pre & Post Loading by Doctor’s Data
Urine Iodine: Urinary Iodine; Pre & Post Loading by Doctor’s Data
Urine Toxic & Essential Elements: Urinary Toxic & Essential Elements by Doctor’s Data
Urine Toxic Metals: Urinary Toxic Metals by Doctor’s Data